The value of Norwegian Red Cross domestic volunteering in 2019
Menon Economics has developed a method for the Norwegian Red Cross to estimate the monetary value of the work of Red Cross’ volunteers in Norway during 2019 – a volunteering account. The volunteering account covers 63 national activities with more than 57 300 volunteers[1]. Based on an independent assessment of each activity and the volunteers’ estimated working hours, we have calculated that volunteers contributed approximately 2 280 person-years of work. As a comparison, Statistics Norway estimates that activities within the Norwegian healthcare sector for 2019 corresponds to 477 100 person-years. To estimate the value of this volunteering we have used Statistics Norway’s method for a Satellite account for non-profit institutions, which is based on the International Classification of Nonprofit Organizations (ICNPO).
The total value of the Norwegian Red Cross’ volunteer work in 2019 is estimated to be approximately 1.4 billion NOK (approximately $166.5 million USD). This number is uncertain, as we cannot precisely know how much time volunteers contribute. Furthermore, the volunteering account does not count volunteers that stopped or started volunteering with the Norwegian Red Cross during 2019.