07 Mar 2015
In the Madriz Department, the Partners for Resilience (PfR) Partnership is working in 28 vulnerable communities in four municipalities (Somoto, San Lucas, Las Sabanas, and San José de Cusmapa) of the Inalí and Tapacalí rivers sub-watersheds, tribu...
Tags: Case Study, Drought, Flood, Landslide
04 Nov 2014
Interest story about “Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya” Excerpt: ADPC, with support from USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA), initiated the Program for Reduction of Vulnerabi...
Tags: Other type of resource, Flood
30 May 2014
Poor people living in slums are at particularly high risk from the impacts of climate change and natural hazards. They live on the most vulnerable land within cities, typically areas deemed undesirable by others and thus affordable. This study analyz...
Tags: Report, Climate Change Adaptation, Drought, Flood, Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone, Landslide, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Tornado, Urban Preparedness