Urban multi-sector vulnerability assessment tool for displacement contexts

Humanitarian agencies are strategically moving towards more integrated programming across sectors, whilst also strategically increasing urban programming coverage for persons affected by displacement and host communities, including Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), refugee and host populations. NRC has invested in the development of this multi-sector urban assessment tool due to a lack of both urban-specific multi-sector assessment tools within the humanitarian sector and reliable data on the vulnerability of urban displaced and host populations. The purpose of this document is to provide users of the urban multi-sector vulnerability assessment tool for displacement contexts (UMVAT) with step-by-step guidance – from initial assessment planning and tool contextualisation through to data analysis and report writing. This guidance document has been developed for assessment team leaders, managers and advisers supporting the assessment process, but can be used by practitioners in other organisations. Multi-sectoral approaches and vulnerability assessment are evolving areas of practice and evidence on definitive `best practices’ is still emerging. This g

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