Urban Preparedness: Lessons from the Kathmandu Valley

New British Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross report, Urban Preparedness: Lessons from the Kathmandu Valley, which has been developed in partnership with Groupe URD as part of International’s Urban Learning Project. 

Out of 21 cities worldwide that lie in similar seismic zones, Kathmandu, Nepal is at the highest risk in terms of impact on people. Taking the Kathmandu Valley as a case study, this report presents a series of lessons on good practice and innovative approaches for urban risk management, preparedness and response programmes. The report, developed in partnership with Groupe URD, forms part of a wider learning project that is helping to inform the programmes and responses, training, technical guidelines, approaches and tools of the British Red Cross and its partners.

The Kathmandu-specific and general learning points presented in the report will be of use to humanitarian and development agencies working in the Kathmandu Valley, and to those implementing preparedness programmes in cities across the world. The analysis covers the full disaster (risk) management cycle, including understanding urban risk and complexity, strengthening preparedness and managing the response. The report highlights the need for the sensitive adoption of new approaches, partnerships and technologies in order to strengthen urban preparedness efforts.

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