Awareness material, Game
28 Jul 2020
“House in the islands”: Dangers is a game made in collaboration with Global First Aid Reference Centre and French Federation for Domestic Risk Poster to print in English and French.
Tags: Awareness material, Game, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), House Fire
28 Jul 2020
This game has the objectives to make people aware of the dangers at home and introduce prevention measures in schools, public events, or at the beginning of first aid training. The game is developed by the Global First Aid Reference Centre. Materials...
Tags: Game, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), House Fire
24 Jun 2015
This song is about what to do when the room fills up with smoke. we wanted to create a song that included an accurate and succinct message, delivered in an unforgettable melody produced to professional production standards. We are hoping to do the sa...
Tags: Video, Disaster Preparedness Games, House Fire
17 Apr 2015
The key to surviving a natural disaster is preparation. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Gear up for anything mother nature can throw at you by ensuring you always have these items prepared! Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysia , Chinese –mandarin, Indonesi...
Tags: Video, Earthquake, Flood, House Fire, Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone
17 Apr 2015
A fire is both frightening and destructive. Fires are a danger to buildings and residents in equal measure. Keep your cool in the event of a fire by following these SAFE STEPS! Thai , Vietnamese, Malaysia , Chinese –mandarin, Indonesian, Tagalog, C...
Tags: Video, House Fire
Guidance material
24 Dec 2014
This handbook presents some basic information on safe construction practices. Its purpose is to provide guidance on choices regarding settlement planning in risky environments, as well as on the building techniques to improve individual shelters. The...
Tags: Guidance material, Earthquake, Flood, House Fire, Landslide, Livelihoods and Food Security
Guidance material
24 Jun 2014
Facts and preparedness tips on fire escape planning.
Tags: Guidance material, House Fire
Guidance material
24 Jun 2014
Fire frequently asked questions
Tags: Guidance material, House Fire
Guidance material
24 Jun 2014
Facts and preparedness tips on home heating fires.
Tags: Guidance material, House Fire
Guidance material
24 Jun 2014
Facts and preparedness tips on fire smoke alarms.
Tags: Guidance material, House Fire
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