Awareness material, Briefs and Fact Sheets
The Coastal City Resilience and Extreme Heat Action Project (CoCHAP) Fact Sheet outlines the progress and objectives of this initiative led by the IFRC with funding from USAID/BHA and technical support from the American Red Cross and the RCRC Climate...
Awareness material, Guidance material, Report
Effective emergency preparedness for flooding and drought: A guide for cities Implementation Guides – October 2024 DARAJA Case Study, pp. 25-26 Climate-related hazards are growing in intensity and frequency, causing significant loss and damage ...
Awareness material, Guidance material, Other type of resource, Training material
À propos de la Boîte à Outils Cette boîte à outils a été préparée conjointement avec les équipes de la PIROI (La Réunion/Mayotte), le pôle de la Direction des Relations et Opérations Internationales de la Croix-Rouge française, la Croix...
Awareness material
Pakistan is at a critical juncture in its sustainability journey, a moment characterized by diverse landscapes and resilient communities. This commentary explores the multifaceted approach necessary to tackle the nation’s environmental, economic...
Awareness material
With the aim of strengthening community resilience and reducing the impact of floods, the Mozambique Red Cross, together with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), formed part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alli...
Awareness material, Data set, Guidance material, Report
This is the release of the second edition of the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll Resilience Index. This resource offers deep insights into the resilience and vulnerabilities of countries and communities globally, especially regardin...
Awareness material
Between 2018 and 2024, the Red Cross of Montenegro, as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, worked to increase flood resilience in vulnerable communities. One of the knowledge products produced as part of this program was a flyer on First Ai...
Awareness material
Between 2018 and 2024, the Red Cross of Montenegro, as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, worked to increase flood resilience in vulnerable communities. One of the knowledge products produced as part of this program was a multi-page flyer ...
Awareness material, Report
This issue of Southasiadisasters.net is titled the ‘Urgency of Heatwave Risk Management’. Heatwaves are not only here to stay but will accelerate in their frequency, severity, loss and damage, at all levels. Read 15 vibrant and realize perspectiv...
Awareness material, Video
Interview featuring Caroline Holt, IFRC Director of Climate, Disaster and Crisis, as she discusses what constitutes a well-prepared Red Cross Red Crescent National Society and how we can advocate for more investments in preparedness. Watch the vi...