Guidance material
17 Oct 2024
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Tags: Guidance material, Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV)
Guidance material, Manual, Training material
17 Oct 2024
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Tags: Guidance material, Manual, Training material, Community Engagement and Accountability, Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
Guidance material, Manual
Tags: Guidance material, Manual, Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
Guidance material
19 Sep 2024
Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies can benefit from establishing direct collaboration with the national agencies responsible for providing meteorological and hydrological services – here is a description of how to proceed, and some do’...
Tags: Guidance material, Anticipatory action, Early Warning Systems, Mapping and Geospatial Data
Awareness material, Data set, Guidance material, Report
19 Jun 2024
This is the release of the second edition of the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll Resilience Index. This resource offers deep insights into the resilience and vulnerabilities of countries and communities globally, especially regardin...
Tags: Awareness material, Data set, Guidance material, Report, Community Engagement and Accountability, Early Warning Systems
Guidance material
14 Jun 2024
Media representations of heatwaves and climate change plays an important role in how the public thinks about, perceives, prepares for and acts on risks to their health, and how decision and policy makers address the problem. This brief was developed ...
Tags: Guidance material, Communication As Aid, Heat Wave
Guidance material
15 Mar 2024
This Handbook on Disaster Law Reform provides guidance on how to run an effective and inclusive legal review process, which harnesses the knowledge and experience of a broad range of actors and stakeholders to develop strong legal arrangements for di...
Tags: Guidance material, Disaster Law
Guidance material
01 Feb 2024
These guidelines and tools provide the necessary know-how to develop and strengthen a policy basis for DRR and risk-informed development. The present guidance provides pathways for climate information that is scientifically sound and publicly availab...
Tags: Guidance material, Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Law
Case Study, Guidance material
08 Dec 2023
Este informe forma parte de la serie de soluciones técnicas de la Alianza Zurich para la Resiliencia ante Inundaciones que pretende mejorar el alcance y el impacto de diversas metodologías y prácticas para la resiliencia. Esta solución técnica e...
Tags: Case Study, Guidance material, Community Engagement and Accountability, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
Guidance material
20 Sep 2023
This solution brief forms part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance’s solutions series. The solution series aims to improve outreach and impact of such resilient practices at a global level. This brief explores how the Mexican Red Cross have...
Tags: Guidance material, Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management, Community Engagement and Accountability, Flood, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
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