Guidance material, Manual, Training material
Ce guide méthodologique a été élaboré et conçu afin d’accompagner les praticiens du Mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge – plus spécifiquement les chefs et coordinateurs de projets et les volontaires – qui travaillen...
Guidance material, Manual
This methodological guide has been designed to support Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement practitioners—specifically project managers, coordinators, and volunteers—working in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR) education in Small Island D...
Guidance material, Manual
Communities in settings of fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) are disproportionately affected by disasters, as their resilience, disaster risk management and coping capacities are weakened. Effective and sustainable disaster risk reduction (DRR) ...
Guidance material, Manual, Training material
The DRR Practitioner Handbook “Navigating fragility, conflict and violence to strengthen community resilience” consolidates practical tools and resources to support DRR programming in FCV contexts. The tool repository offers a comprehensive colle...
Heatwaves have an immense impact on the health and well-being of people around the world, especially in urban centres. Although growing in recognition, their severity often remains overlooked as a hazard or is addressed too late. This manual was deve...
The Missing Voices Approach developed by Practical Action seeks to proactively listen to the experiences of marginalized individuals to inform policies and practice that affect their lives. The approach is centred on building trust and actively liste...
Guidance material, Manual
This European Standard contains terms and definitions for CBRNE (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive) applications. Common understanding and communication is important in the implementation of an effective CBRNE response and this c...
Guidance material, Manual, Report, Training material
Different resource material from organisations like WHO, OECD NEA or the RC PSS centre covering the specific area of Mental Health and Psychosocial support in Nuclear emergencies and other CBRN events.
Guidance material, Manual, Report, Training material
Different resource material from organisations like WHO, OECD NEA or the RC PSS centre covering the specific area of Mental Health and Psychosocial support in Nuclear emergencies and other CBRN events. Several languages
Guidance material, Manual, Report
Different resource material from organisations like WHO, OECD NEA or the RC PSS centre covering the specific area of Iodine use. Available in 9 languages.