Guidance material, Manual, Training material
Ce guide méthodologique a été élaboré et conçu afin d’accompagner les praticiens du Mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge – plus spécifiquement les chefs et coordinateurs de projets et les volontaires – qui travaillen...
Awareness material, Guidance material, Other type of resource, Training material
À propos de la Boîte à Outils Cette boîte à outils a été préparée conjointement avec les équipes de la PIROI (La Réunion/Mayotte), le pôle de la Direction des Relations et Opérations Internationales de la Croix-Rouge française, la Croix...
Training material
Skill up! Technical skills, soft skills and skills from other areas are necessary to successfully implement DRR in fragile, conflict and violence affected contexts. Some of the capacity building needs can be addressed with these e-learning courses at...
Guidance material, Manual, Training material
The DRR Practitioner Handbook “Navigating fragility, conflict and violence to strengthen community resilience” consolidates practical tools and resources to support DRR programming in FCV contexts. The tool repository offers a comprehensive colle...
Guidance material, Training material
In this resource, several training documents from nine sessions on Environmental Emergencies Training are made available. Session no. 05: Introduction to FEAT.
Guidance material, Training material
In this resource several training material and background documents are made available on the topic of Environmental Emergencies: Part 01: INSARAG guidance, checklists, a number of case studies and presentations.
Guidance material, Training material
In this resource several training material and background documents are made available on the topic of Environmental Emergencies: Part 03: Environmental Guidelines (OCHA, FEAT…) guidance, checklists, a number of case studies and presentations.
Guidance material, Training material
In this resource several training material and background documents are made available on the topic of Environmental Emergencies: Part 04: UN guidance, checklists, a number of case studies and presentations.
Guidance material, Training material
In this resource, several training documents from nine sessions on Environmental Emergencies Training are made available. Session no. 01: Welcome and Introduction.
Guidance material, Training material
In this resource, several training documents from nine sessions on Environmental Emergencies Training are made available. Session no. 02: Environment and Emergencies Introduction.