11 Dec 2023
Asia Pacific faces significant challenges due to its susceptibility to disasters such as cyclones, floods and earthquakes with the impact of climate change further exacerbating these. The integration of early warning early action (EWEA) within domest...
Tags: Case Study, Disaster Law, Early Warning Systems
21 Feb 2016
This is the provisional Programme of the 2016 CAP Implementation Workshop, 23-24 August in Bangkok.
Tags: Other type of resource, Early Warning Systems
23 Mar 2017
This publication features 50 good practices, tools and initiatives that were supported under the 2015-2016 DIPECHO Action Plan. These contribute to the implementation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) Strategy 2014-2024 and the Sendai...
Tags: Guidance material, Early Warning Systems, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness