08 Oct 2013
In November 2010, the IFRC commissioned Arup International Development (Arup ID) to undertake a study of its CBDRR programmes in order to identify and document lessons learned in implementing at scale CBDRR projects to strengthen community safety and...
Tags: Report
21 Jul 2020
The Institute of Development Studies developed the report: Secondary impacts of major disease outbreaks in low- and middle-income countries. Question: What evidence exists regarding the secondary impacts of response and control measures to major dise...
Tags: Awareness material, Report, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
02 Feb 2019
This document concerns administrative operations for running the “CAP Editor” freeware. CAP Editor is a tool for creating and publishing emergency alerts in the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) format. CAP Editor runs on the Amazon Web Serv...
Tags: Report, Early Warning Systems