Assessment or evaluation
These documents are a summary of the risk, evidence, and assessment related to COVID-19. These are updated now on an ad-hoc basis pending emerging evidence and trends. Previous monthly, bi-weekly and weekly updates are located below arranged by year....
Guidance material, Report
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic is exacting a huge toll on individuals, families, communities, and societies across the world. Daily lives have been profoundly changed, economies have fallen into recession, and many of the traditio...
Awareness material, Report
The Institute of Development Studies developed the report: Secondary impacts of major disease outbreaks in low- and middle-income countries. Question: What evidence exists regarding the secondary impacts of response and control measures to major dise...
Awareness material, Report
COVID-19: Scenarios: Possible global humanitarian developments over the next six months (April 2020).
Guidance material
COVID-19 Guidance for IFRC and Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies’ staff. Check this guidance frequently for updated versions. The updated version on 01.july 2020
Guidance material
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on COVID-19 for IFRC and Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies’ personnel.
Guidance material
This document is technical guidance for Red Cross Red Crescent colleagues who are interested in applying a risk-informed approach vis-a-vis the COVID19 pandemic, using some of the insights and perspectives that are applicable in the disaster risk red...
Guidance material
This technical guidance highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic may undermine the resilience of communities and individuals affected by the primary and secondary effects of a hazard, as well as how a particular hazard may seriously worsen the conditions...
Awareness material, Video
Jump with Jill educates kids about healthy habits, including hand washing! Do your kids need some extra motivation to wash their hands? Try playing our song to remind them when to stop and wash! #WashYourHandsSong #WashYourHands
Did you know that you can create your own future? Imagine what your community will be like many years in the future and what you can do to make it happen. Share with your family!