The GDPC focuses on preparing for the future.

With a firm foundation established and strengthened over the past 10 years, the GDPC continues to prepare for the future. The effects of climate change, migration, displacement and ongoing disaster and urban preparedness are our areas of focus.


The GDPC is responsive to current trends, tackling current crises with an eye towards preparing for future ones.

The GDPC monitors trends and disseminates strategic insights that aim to reduce the effects of disasters on vulnerable populations. By addressing the current areas of focus, the GDPC will enable organizations working with and on behalf of these populations to prepare for crises before they happen.



Evolving COVID-19 resources

The GDPC's future-facing approach to building enabled it to use the platform to quickly make resources like the COVID-19 Kids Activity Book and the COVID-19 Compendium available to a wide audience.


Climate Centre collaboration

The GDPC has an ongoing collaboration with the Red Cross Red Crescent's Climate Centre via a shared staff position, joint development of a Heatwave Guide for Cities, and a study on the climate adaptation needs of urban small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

>> What's

Going forward, there is an opportunity for the GDPC to evolve its offerings towards preparedness intelligence via future-facing preparedness trends analysis.

At present, the GDPC has identified the following focus areas that will be critical to address in reducing the effect of disasters on vulnerable populations:

  • climate change
  • migration and displacement
  • disaster preparedness
  • urban preparedness


In looking to the future, the GDPC has a unique added value in providing preparedness intelligence.

– Gavin White, Senior Advisor for Community Preparedness, American Red Cross

In order to ensure successful implementation by the GDPC's partners, a transition and sustainability plan is becoming part of GDPC's deliverables.

– Jessica Ports Robbins, Technical Advisor, Preparedness ICTs, GDPC

The GDPC has a lot of influence and trust. For that reason, I would like to see them step more into the climate-change space.

– Lauren Pucci, Head of Program Development, Relief International, GDPC alum

More than half of the world's people live in cities, so there must be a focus on their vulnerabilities.

– Aynur Kadihasanoglu, Senior Advisor for Urban Climate Resilience, GDPC

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