
Volunteering in Emergencies: Practical guidelines for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies managing volunteers in emergency situations

Volunteers are our most valued resource. They bring local knowledge and contacts, know the language, customs and operating environments, as well as bring a wide range of skills and capacities to rapidly scale up activities when needed, and sustain these services in the long-term. We must continue to do all that we can to promote […]

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Analysis of legislation related to disaster risk reduction in Nepal

The geology, topography and tropical location of Nepal means that the country is faced with frequent natural hazards or risks that can lead to disasters causing displacement, loss of life, property and livelihoods. These include the annual monsoonal rains, frequent forest fires and a level of seismic activity that could lead to a major earthquake

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Nicaragua: Estudio de Caso: Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre

Serie IFRC-PNUD sobre Marcos Legales para apoyar la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres   Nicaragua cuenta con un buen marco normativo e institucional para la RRD, que integra armónicamente todos sus niveles con el sector gubernamental. Una de las mejores prácticas encontradas es la capacidad organizativa establecida en el marco jurídico e implementado en todos los niveles, interrelacionando armónicamente las

Nicaragua: Estudio de Caso: Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre Read More »

New Zealand: Country Case Study Report

How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction from IFRC-UNDP Series on Legal Frameworks to support Disaster Risk Reduction Located in the south-western Pacific Ocean, New Zealand sits on two tectonic plates within the Pacific ring of fire, resulting in the country’s dramatic natural landscapes. New Zealand is prone to a range of natural hazards, such as floods, storms, cyclones,

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Namibia: Country Case Study Report / How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction

Namibia is vulnerable to a range of natural hazards, especially drought and flooding. Flooding is an annually recurring event which is worsening each year, with the northern and northeastern regions being the worst affected. Drought is increasingly difficult to predict in the country. In 2013, Namibia experienced an extensive and prolonged drought throughout the country.

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Madagascar : Country Case Study Report / How Law and Regulation Supports Disaster Risk Reduction

This report begins by considering the extent to which disaster risk reduction (DRR) is main streamed into the disaster risk management laws and institutions in Madagascar. It identifies key laws and regulations in the area of disaster risk management (DRM), especially those applicable nationwide. It finds that these legal frameworks currently focus more on response and recovery than

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Iraq: Country Case Study Report │ How Law and Regulation Supports DRR

Iraq is exposed to multiple forms of natural and human induced hazards. The country is increasingly susceptible to natural hazards including drought, floods, epidemics, sandstorms, desertification, marshland ecosystem degradation, soil salination of fertile lands and earthquakes. This susceptibility to natural hazards is coupled with the impact of war, which has exposed the population to multiple

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Guatemala: Estudio de Caso / Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre

Este informe analiza los marcos legislativos, de políticas e institucionales para la reducción de riesgo de desastres en sus niveles nacional y local, y la base institucional para la implementación de estos, a nivel nacional, departamental y comunitario, en Guatemala.   Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja

Guatemala: Estudio de Caso / Cómo la Ley y la Normativa Apoyan la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastre Read More »

Ethiopia: Country Case Study Report / How Law and Regulation Supports Disaster Risk Reduction

Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa, has a total population estimated at 88 million (the third largest population in Africa), and contains over 80 ethnic groups spread over nine regional states and two city administrations, yet despite economic growth and a significant increase in human development over the past two decades, Ethiopia remains one of the

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