
Disaster Preparedness of Star Hotels to all Hazards: Case Study of Sanur, Bali

This study aims to assess hotel preparedness to several coastal hazards that pose problems for tourism. It proposes a set of indicators of preparedness that includes: (i) hazard knowledge, (ii) management, direction and coordination, (iii) formal and informal response plans and agreements, (iv) supportive resources, (v) life safety protection, (vi) property protection, (vii) emergency coping […]

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Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters

This scoping study analyzes the business context and needs for specific disaster risk management standards for small- and medium-sized hotels. as part of the the Hotel Resilient Initiative. The study is based on17 semi-structured interviews with representatives from hotels, government, insurance companies and hotel associations in Bohol and Cebu in the Philippines; Lombok in Indonesia; Phuket in Thailand; and

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Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative

Exerpt from Executive Summary:   Tourism is one of the most economically important sets of industries worldwide, yet the industry is also one of the most highly exposed to disasters due to its reliance on interrelated industries and location in many hazard prone regions.   The Hotel Resilient Initiative aims to develop internationally recognized standards for hotels and

Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative Read More »

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