All Under One Roof: Disability Inclusive Shelter and Settlement Guidelines

These guidelines are the result of institutional collaboration between IFRC, CBM and Handicap International, and between the Shelter & Settlements and Health Departments within IFRC.  The aim is to transform the way humanitarian organisations approach inclusion and accessibility in their shelter and settlement programmes.

The World Health Organisation estimates that 15% of the population are affected by some form of disability. Help Age International report that 12% of the population are over the age of 60, and that this will increase to 20% by 2050. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities highlights the importance of the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life including in situations of risks and emergencies. It is therefore timely to ensure that the post disaster shelter and settlement assistance adequately reflects the specific needs of people with disabilities and older people. “All under one roof” aims to bridge the gap between good intentions and practical implementation by offering technical guidance for disability-inclusive shelter and settlement support in emergencies.

The guidelines are also being promoted through the IFRC-led interagency Global Shelter Cluster at both global level and country level in the current operations to inform the strategic planning and programming of shelter agencies and governmental counterparts.

The guidelines themselves and supporting material is currently available in English, with translations into the other Federation languages to follow subject to the availability of resources. Please advise of interest or opportunities to undertake such translations, or in enabling further training with National Society staff, volunteers and partners.

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