Community Resilience Performance Measurement

Groupe URD was commissioned by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to conduct a consultancy on “Community Resilience Performance Measurement Methodology and Standard Indicators”.
The aim of the study was to:
  • To compile, synthesize and highlight some emerging theories, practices and tools in measuring community resilience outside the Red Cross Red Crescent movement, which will be useful for the further elaboration of the IFRC approach. 
  • To draw lessons, from both internal and external sources of information, and suggest an approach for Community Resilience (CR) measurement, whose application would be compatible with the monitoring & evaluation systems currently in place and feasible in relation to the different capacities of Red Cross Red CrescentNational Societies (NS).
  • To provide recommendations and outline the possible next steps towards the adoption of a common approach for CR measurement within the IFRC.
The present report provides a critical overview of the ongoing methodological process in the IFRC, and it takes stock of emerging trends in measuring CR. This process led to proposing a CR measurement methodology and operational approach for the IFRC to encourage the Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies to adopt and implement.

Groupe URD, September 2014.

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