2020 and Beyond: Is the humanitarian community prepared for the future?

Short interview with Ross Mountain, Director General of DARA

This talk will outline some of the key challenges facing the world and the possible consequences in terms of increased vulnerabilities and humanitarian needs. The speaker will draw upon research conducted by DARA over the past five years, including the Humanitarian Response Index and the Climate Vulnerability Monitor, as well as recent evaluations such as the UK Government’s recent Humanitarian Emergency Response Review. The discussion will also centre on the capacities needed for the humanitarian community to anticipate and prepare for these challenges, and offer some ideas on the implications for the IFRC in terms of operational issues, partnerships and humanitarian diplomacy.
Ross Mountain took up the post of Director General of DARA in January 2010. Previously he served the United Nations for over 36 years in various senior capacities, managing and coordinating humanitarian, development, peace keeping and peace building programmes. His last assignment in the United Nations was Deputy Representative of the Secretary General/Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he was responsible for managing the largest electoral operation undertaken by the UN.

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