IFRC Tech-Bio Hazards / CBRN Awareness Material

IFRC provides a number of awareness material which address the topic of technological and biological hazard / CBRN preparedness to increase knowledge and provides evidence on RCRC activities in this area.

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Awareness material
29 Dec 2015
Red Panda Comic Series: Disaster Risk Reduction (in Nepali) अमेरिकी दुतावास काठमाण्डौं र नेपालस्थित अमेरिकी सहयोग नियोगको प्रकोप ...
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Guidance material
14 May 2020
This Guidance Note aims to provide humanitarian child protection practitioners, particularly child protection advisors and program managers, with guidance on how to engage in responses to infectious disease outbreaks to ensure children’s protection...
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Guidance material
21 Jul 2020
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