Learning from the 2020 floods in Tabasco: Moving beyond grey infrastructure

In October and November of 2020, a series of cold fronts and two cyclones caused severe flooding in the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Veracruz, Mexico. Tabasco also received significant rainfall in the month of November. Floods, landslides and the discharge of water from the Angel Albino Corzo “Peñitas” hydroelectric dam left the region under water. In total, the storms and resulting floods inundated 14% of the state and affected approximately 800,000 people, damaged close to 200,400 houses and flooded thousands of hectares of crops throughout the state.

The Mexican Red Cross, in collaboration with ISET, IFRC and Zurich Mexico, conducted a Post-Event Review Capability (PERC), which reflects on the causes of the 2020 floods in Tabasco, Mexico, and presents recommendations that contribute to risk management. Adaptation to future flooding requires a change in thinking and approach to protective infrastructure; the use of nature-based solutions as a complement to grey infrastructure presents itself as a comprehensive approach to the problem.

In addition to the full report, you can also find the following PERC related products:

Puede encontrar el informe completo, el resumen ejecutivo y el resumen de políticas en español aquí.


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