Community Engagement and Accountability in Drought Anticipatory Action

This case study documents the Kenya Red Cross Society’s (KRCS) implementation of Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) initiatives in drought anticipatory action projects in Kitui and Kwale counties. KRCS used early warning systems and action protocols to predict and mitigate drought impacts. The project employed various community engagement methods, with a notable focus on the Indaba participatory video approach. This innovative method allowed community members to create their own video documentations, fostering ownership and authentic feedback.

Other engagement strategies included forum theatres and local radio stations. Key activities involved co-developing early warning messages, rehabilitating water facilities, and distributing drought-tolerant seeds. The project prioritized inclusive targeting, reaching vulnerable groups such as female-headed households and people with disabilities.

Outcomes included enhanced community trust in weather forecasts, improved crop management, and strengthened preparedness for seasonal disasters. This case study demonstrates how integrating CEA, particularly through methods like Indaba, in anticipatory action can lead to more effective, community-driven responses to drought, ultimately enhancing resilience and food security in vulnerable areas.

INDABA Video Documentations:


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