21 Oct 2020
Corrugated Galvanized Iron or Steel (CGI or CGS) sheets are at present the best known, most widely available low-cost roof covering material. There is an enormous variety of qualities of CGI sheets on the market, greatly varying in the different regi...
Tags: Guidance material, Manual, Research, Infrastructure and Services, Livelihoods and Food Security, Shelter
17 Dec 2013
A powerpoint presentation by Nepal Red Cross on tools to use for managing volunteers and engaging community. Lessons learnt and recommendations are also outlined. Engaging the Community: Volunteerism and Disaster Managment in Nepal https://www.goog...
Tags: Guidance material
15 Sep 2017
Esta Guía es un documento de orientación estratégica y técnica, elaborado en el contexto de la región de América con la activa participación de todos los Componentes del Movimiento. Complementa -no sustituye- los contenidos de otras herramient...
Tags: Guidance material