Flood Resilience Alliance: Informacija o projektu u Crnoj Gori

Obilne padavine, dugotrajne jake kišne serije, u trajanju od nekoliko dana uzastopno, u kombinaciji sa topljenjem postojećeg snijega u planinskim predjelima u određenom dijelu godine su meteorološki fenomeni koji su karakteristični za područje Crne Gore. Ovo dovodi do naglog porasta nivoa voda u rijekama i jezerima (naročito Skadarsko jezero) sa esktremnim hidrološkim parametrima, nakon čega nastupaju poplave koje nanose materijalne štete i ugrožavaju normalno funkcionisanje infrastrukturnih sistema.

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Related Resources

Guidance material
03 Aug 2015
This Guidebook describes the principles, tools and practices of three (3) urban disaster risk and resilience indicator systems based on EMI’s collective experience in implementing them in various urban settings in the last decade with local authori...
Tags: Guidance material, Risk Assessment, Urban Planning, Urban Risk Reduction
Case Study
02 Nov 2013
A case study of schools in Romania working partnership with government and civil society to promote disaster risk reduction activities for earthquake and flood protection. One in a series of video case studies created by the Global Network for Disast...
Tags: Case Study, Public Awareness and Public Education
Guidance material, Manual, Training material
05 Jan 2023
Technological Emergencies triggered by natural hazards (so called NATECH Events) become also more relevant with the increase of the frequency and strength of natural and climate related hazards. Different material from various organisations address t...
Tags: Guidance material, Manual, Training material, Behavior Change and Disaster Preparedness, Landslide, Volcano
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