Flood Resilience Alliance: Informacija o projektu u Crnoj Gori

Obilne padavine, dugotrajne jake kišne serije, u trajanju od nekoliko dana uzastopno, u kombinaciji sa topljenjem postojećeg snijega u planinskim predjelima u određenom dijelu godine su meteorološki fenomeni koji su karakteristični za područje Crne Gore. Ovo dovodi do naglog porasta nivoa voda u rijekama i jezerima (naročito Skadarsko jezero) sa esktremnim hidrološkim parametrima, nakon čega nastupaju poplave koje nanose materijalne štete i ugrožavaju normalno funkcionisanje infrastrukturnih sistema.

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Related Resources

Guidance material
16 Nov 2018
Preparedness for Effective Response (PER) is a cyclical approach for a National Society (NS) to systematically assess, measure, and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of its response system in order to take remedial actions. The PER approach puts t...
Tags: Guidance material, Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management, Community Risk Assessment
Guidance material
02 Oct 2013
Kuraklığa hazırlıklı olma, önleme ve zarar azaltma hakkında genel hatları ile bilgi verilen bir makale.   İTÜ, Afet Yönetim Merkezi http://www.aym.itu.edu.tr/Icerik.aspx?sid=8848
Tags: Guidance material, Flood
Case Study, Report
27 Sep 2023
Climate change, rural to urban migration, an aging population, municipal task shifting, and changes in the way people volunteer – many forces will affect the risk landscape local disaster preparedness and emergency response actors will have to ...
Tags: Case Study, Report, Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
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