Data Culture – Data Playbook (Beta)

This module supports efforts to develop and support data-socialization skills within groups. This module aims to answer the question: How do we build a data-friendly culture? This includes the questions:
  • Why does data culture matter?
  • How can we start an informal data working group?
  • How can we design curriculum to build data skills within groups?


A suggested step by step process to achieve learning objectives.

  1. Read Data Socialisation: Fostering a Data Culture [Handout 1] to get an understanding of why building a data culture is important.
  2. To build foundations for developing informal data working groups, run the session Designing your data skills curriculum [SessionPlan 1] with your team to get an ideal of the skills they already possess and where there are gaps in knowledge.
  3. Use What is Data Literacy at IFRC? [SlideDeck 6] and Why Data Matters [SlideDeck 3] slide decks as discussion points for upcoming meetings of your working group.
  4. Provide your working group with the Our Data Audiences [Handout 12] so they can frame who they are trying to engage with data at IFRC.


Pick and choose ingredients to create your own recipe. Do you have an ingredient we’re missing? Send an email to

Sessions Plans

Longer social learning experiences


For distribution to participants for use post-training


Distilled information for use as standalone or parts of presentations.

Next Steps

Other relevant modules from the data playbook beta:

  • How do we build data-driven projects? [Module 3]

Download the module description (PDF) or download all the resources contained in this module here.

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