
Past disaster eventsEM-DAT listing of disaster events in IndonesiaDisaster statistics from UN-ISDR and CREDRisk country profile from Index for Risk Management Damage and losses statistics from Disaster Information Management SystemsDisaster response and management data from ReliefWebGovernment policiesHFA Progress Reports, government plans, and government statements – Cross + civil societyIFRC appeals and info bulletins for Indonesia

Urban risk assessments : understanding disaster and climate risk in cities

The rapid and often unplanned expansion of cities is exposing more people and economic assets to the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change. For city governments, increased climate variability imposes additional challenges to effective urban management and the delivery of key services, while for residents it increasingly affects their lives and livelihoods

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Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012)

This 2012 ALNAP paper on urban lessons was written by David Sanderson, Paul Knox-Clarke and Leah Campbell and builds off a prior 2009 study written by Ian O’Donnell, Kristin Smart and Ben Ramalingam. It offers lessons pertaining to effective design and implementation of urban-response programs. It was written to serve as a practical field resource for international disaster management professionals,

Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012) Read More »

Beneficiary Communication and Accountability: A responsibility, not a choice (Lessons learned and recommendations from Indonesia, Haiti and Pakistan)

This document highlights the work that needs to be undertaken internally within the Red Cross Red Crescent to mainstream our approach to establish or maintain strong two-way communication and feedback within the communities we serve; including experimenting, training, strengthening and building on already established two-way communication mechanisms. To realize this crucial approach existing systems and processes will also need to reflect how

Beneficiary Communication and Accountability: A responsibility, not a choice (Lessons learned and recommendations from Indonesia, Haiti and Pakistan) Read More »

Pelatihan KBBM-PERTAMA Untuk Sibat: Panduan Pelatih

Dalam upaya peningkatan kapasitas TSR (Tenaga Suka Rela) PMI dalam wadah Sibat (Siaga Bencana Berbasis Masyarakat) di bidang kesiapsiagaan bencana dan pengurangan risiko berbasis masyarakat, panduan ini akan membekali tim Sibat dengan pengetahuan mengenai Gerakan dan PMI juga ketrampilan-ketrampilan Kepalangmerahan. Diharapkan tim Sibat nantinya mempunyai kapasitas menggerakkan, memotivasi dan memobilisasi masyarakat dalam upaya mitigasi/pengurangan dan

Pelatihan KBBM-PERTAMA Untuk Sibat: Panduan Pelatih Read More »

Palang Merah Indonesia Baseline Assessment 2009

Overview of Indonesia’s Disaster Risk Context in terms of its Hazards Profile and a Risk Analysis PMI’s Auxiliary Function and Capacity in the Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Gathered from IFRC South-East Asia’s Road to Resilience site. Palang Merah Indonesia Baseline Assessment 2009

Palang Merah Indonesia Baseline Assessment 2009 Read More »

Pelatihan KBBBM-PERTAMA Untuk KSR: Panduan Pelatih

  (Community Based: Disaster Preparedness (CBDP) and Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction for the Volunteer Corps: A Training Module. First edition (2008). Bahasa Indonesia)    Gathered from IFRC South-East Asia’s Road to Resilience site. Pelatihan KBBBM-Pertama Untuk KSR: Panduan Pelatih

Pelatihan KBBBM-PERTAMA Untuk KSR: Panduan Pelatih Read More »

Beneficiary Communication and Accountability: A responsibility, not a choice

The combination of rapid urbanization and population growth, alongside the proliferation of short message service (SMS) and internet based technology, making it possible for communities to publicize how they are being affected by our actions have changedthe humanitarian landscape. Though information and mobile phone technology had been growing in the years before 2010, the Haiti

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