
Towards Liveable Cities: Extreme Heat Distribution in South African Cities

This research is carried out by Timothy Chambers1  with funding support from the Global Disaster Preparedness Center. Extreme temperatures have severe impacts on human health. In a climate that is projected to significantly warm in future, these impacts become exacerbated. Southern Africa in particular is a hotspot for future warming and combined with large populations […]

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Drought, desertification, displacement and migration: can nature offer part of the solution? IFRC, 2022

This paper is the result of an event that took place on the 10th of November 2021 as part of the Development and Climate Days at UNFCCC COP26. This paper will summarize the key points of discussion from the four expert panelists, representing environmental and humanitarian perspectives, from both practice and policy, in combating drought

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Green belts for drought recovery and food security in Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya

Hazard: Drought Solution: Land rehabilitation High-level results: Five green belts have been restored, increasing forest cover by over 70 hectares, protecting the community from drought impacts The 2011/12 Horn of Africa drought damaged the land surrounding the Dadaab refugee camp and resulted in an influx of refugees, contributing to increased land clearing and removal of

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Cash and Voucher Assistance in Migration Context: Voices of Migrants (Colombia (En/Sp), Niger (En/Fr) , Kenya)

In recent years, CVA has become increasingly relevant in humanitarian responses. Organizations have developed an interest in exploring their multiple benefits. Implementing delivery mechanisms suited to a variety of contexts, both in emergencies and early recovery, promotes accountability mechanisms that identify condition-based community preferences by gathering information from communities themselves. In most cases, technological advances

Cash and Voucher Assistance in Migration Context: Voices of Migrants (Colombia (En/Sp), Niger (En/Fr) , Kenya) Read More »

Asbestos (Material developed in the Typhoon Kenneth operation in Mozambique through the Shelter cluster)

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of soft and flexible fibers that are resistant to heat, electricity and corrosion. These qualities make the mineral useful, but they also make asbestos exposure highly toxic. Asbestos is an effective insulator, and it can be used in cloth, paper, cement, plastic and other materials to make them

Asbestos (Material developed in the Typhoon Kenneth operation in Mozambique through the Shelter cluster) Read More »

Barriers and Opportunities for a Multi-Hazard Humanitarian Approach

This report aims to provide major insights and recommendations for the implementation of a multi-hazard humanitarian approach drawing from the different experiences of staff members of the Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) Movement working in Africa. This report is the result of a consultation process of 35 staff members, including branch and HQ NS staff,

Barriers and Opportunities for a Multi-Hazard Humanitarian Approach Read More »

Emergency Sahel Shelter; Warehouse and Natural Fibre versions (IFRC SRU, 2017)

West Africa has faced and continues to face frequent episodes of population movement. The National Societies of the Red Cross Cross of West Africa are often called upon to intervene at the frontline during each crisis. There is therefore a need to equip them with shelter solutions designed in a participatory and innovative way, upstream

Emergency Sahel Shelter; Warehouse and Natural Fibre versions (IFRC SRU, 2017) Read More »

Niger Revision Sahel Shelter Kit – Review and improvement of the Sahel shelter solution

The Aide internationale de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise (AICRL)  has been working since 2013 in Diffa, Niger. In close collaboration with the Nigerian Red Cross (CRN), it carries out interventions in the area of shelter and sanitation for refugees and IDPs in the Diffa region after the crisis in Lake Chad. In this context and with

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