Teen Prep Kit Emergency Planning Activities – Chinese

The GDPC and the American Red Cross noticed a gap in youth preparedness resources when it comes to teens, where preparedness resources are often curated for adult or child audiences, which leaves teens (ages 13-19) under engaged and underprepared. To address this gap, the Teen Prep Kit was a project that engaged RCRC youth across the globe to develop preparedness content related to Disaster Risk Reduction; Emergency Planning; Climate Change; Health; Wellness & Resilience; and Leadership & Future Building.

Activities were designed to help make preparedness content more approachable, easily digestible and ultimately fun for teens to learn through action. With these activities, teens are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and work together with peers to learn how to successfully navigate through preparedness challenges.

Emergency Planning:

Preparing for likely hazards can help prevent disasters. Learn how to get started though these fun and simple activities:

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