Urban Risk Reduction

Stepping back Understanding cities and their systems

ALNAP’s new research initiative explores how humanitarians can better understand urban contexts. It explores the concepts and terminology around ‘urban systems’ as well as how humanitarians can most effectively embed these concepts into their practice.    This paper is the first output of the research. Section 2 outlines the methodology and evidence base. Section 3 explores the urban context: What

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A review of context analysis tools for urban humanitarian response

 The purpose of this desk review is to take stock of context analysis tools that focus on structural and systemic issues as opposed to specific individual/ households needs. This is to inform the development of an urban context analysis tool.7 The review includes an overview of the strengths, weaknesses and gaps in existing tools, frameworks

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Targeting Guidance for Urban Humanitarian Response

A Review of Needs Assessment Tools, Response Analysis Frameworks, and Targeting Guidance for Urban Humanitarian Response This desk review was produced by the Stronger Cities Initiative Consortium, which is part of the Urban Crises Learning Fund. The consortium is funded by DFID and managed by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and was established to: (i) Improve how stakeholders in urban crises engage

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City strength diagnostic : methodological guidebook

The city strength diagnostic has been developed to help World Bank staff apply the city resilience framework (developed by Arup International and the Rockefeller Foundation) to World Bank operations. The  city resilience framework provides a lens through which the complexity of cities and the numerous factors that contribute to a city’s resilience can be understood and is being

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The New Urban Agenda

The New Urban Agenda is the 20-year global blueprint adopted by United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development or Habitat III, which closed in Quito, Ecuador, on October 20. The New Urban Agenda envisions an urban paradigm shift in which cities and human settlements must be for everyone. The Agenda also calls for

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Resilience Academy

The Rockefeller Foundation has been working with HR&A Associates to develop a workshop-based Resilience Academy that they have offered to local governments in the United States. The Academy brings together mulit-disciplinary teams of stakeholders from a local city to participate in a series of workshops to better understand resilience concepts, analyze resilience needs in their

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