Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

Understanding the Flood Resilience of Rural Communities in Mangatarem, Pangasinan

This document presents the work of community flood resilience program of the Philippine Red Cross and IFRC that is implemented as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance. It introduces the Alliance’s unique resilience measurement approach – the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) – and presents the key results and key insights gained from […]

Understanding the Flood Resilience of Rural Communities in Mangatarem, Pangasinan Read More »

Small Grants: Big Youth Urban Climate Action and Resilience

As the world’s most disaster-prone region, people in the Asia-Pacific are four times more likely to be affected by weather-related disasters than in Africa, and 25 times more than in Europe and North America (Asian Development Bank, 2013; UNFPA, 2018). In 2021, over 57 million people were severely affected by climate-related disasters in the Asia-Pacific

Small Grants: Big Youth Urban Climate Action and Resilience Read More »

Flood Resilience Alliance: Albania Country Briefing (Albanian)

Shqipëria është një vend që preket shpesh nga përmbytjet, reshjet e dendura dhe infrastruktura jo adekuate kanë rritur ashpërsinë e përmbytjeve gjatë 15 viteve të fundit kryesisht në zonën veri-perëndimore dhe jug-perëndimore ( konkretisht në zonën fushore të nën-Shkodrës, Lezhë dhe ultësirën perëndimore Fier, Vlorë, Lushnjë) si dhe rrëshqitjet e tokës që prekin fshatrat që

Flood Resilience Alliance: Albania Country Briefing (Albanian) Read More »

Connected: How Albania’s new Emergency Operation Centre enables effective disaster risk management

As auxiliaries to national governments and as trusted partners, Red Cross National Societies around the world are involved in many disaster management initiatives. The Albanian Red Cross is actively pursuing the opportunities emerging from this position to connect our flood resilience work to other initiatives for wider reach and bigger impact. The Albanian Red Cross’

Connected: How Albania’s new Emergency Operation Centre enables effective disaster risk management Read More »

Better together: Working with local partners to build flood resilient infrastructure in Montenegro

The Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) provides a holistic and systematic picture of communities’ strengths and gaps when it comes to flood resilience. To address many entry points for flood resilience building, working with partners is essential. Therefore, the Red Cross of Montenegro partnered with the municipality of Golubovci on a flood resilient infrastructure

Better together: Working with local partners to build flood resilient infrastructure in Montenegro Read More »

Community brigades were put to the test during floods in Tabasco, Mexico

When Tabasco experienced the most severe floods in decades last autumn local community brigades were put to the test. Leveraging their human and social capital developed through our joint work they provided early warning and quickly organized first response operations in cooperation with Civil Protection and the Mexican Red Cross. Creating community brigades to build

Community brigades were put to the test during floods in Tabasco, Mexico Read More »

Highlights from UNFCCC Asia Pacific Climate Week: Nepal Red Cross Secretary General Aryal shares insights on how urban resilience programming shaped Nepal’s NAP

As auxiliaries to government and interlocuters to communities, National Societies are uniquely positioned to support governments National DRR, DRM and Adaptation frameworks and plans. On July 7, 2021, Secretary General of Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), Pitambar Aryal outlined the manifold ways National Societies add value to Natation Adaptation Plans in the UNFCCC APCW session,

Highlights from UNFCCC Asia Pacific Climate Week: Nepal Red Cross Secretary General Aryal shares insights on how urban resilience programming shaped Nepal’s NAP Read More »

Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub Roadmap 2021 -2023

The IFRC and member National Societies have been increasingly present and active in cities and urban settings to serve the most vulnerable people and have made valuable efforts in recent years to support the development of more resilient communities in urban areas worldwide. These achievements have been acknowledged and strengthened by the RCRC contribution in

Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub Roadmap 2021 -2023 Read More »

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