Communicable Disease

Clinical Care of Severe Acute Respiratory Infections – World Health Organization Toolkit

This toolkit is intended for clinicians working in intensive care units in low- and middle-income countries, managing adult and paediatric patients with severe forms of acute respiratory infection, including severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis and septic shock. Its main objective is to provide some of the necessary tools that can be used to […]

Clinical Care of Severe Acute Respiratory Infections – World Health Organization Toolkit Read More »

Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is suspected. 

This document is intended for clinicians involved in the care of adult, pregnant and pediatric patients with or at risk for severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) when a SARS-CoV-2 infection is suspected. Considerations for pediatric patients and pregnant women are highlighted throughout the text. It is not meant to replace clinical judgment or specialist consultation

Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is suspected.  Read More »

ICRC Sexual and reproductive health recommendations COVID-19

As part of the global ICRC response and taking in consideration the actual situation Covid-19 Pandemic, initial research and reflection regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) activities, insights regarding SRH activities integrating Covid-19 response into running SRH care, these recommendations are mainly to keep on mind during your planification for the respective Covid-19 response in

ICRC Sexual and reproductive health recommendations COVID-19 Read More »

ICRC Guidance COVID-19 Nutrition Civilian population

This guiding document for ICRC nutrition activities recommends essential actions and measures that need to be in put in place for ensuring critical services that address malnutrition-related conditions, such as prevention of malnutrition, management of acute malnutrition (for children, pregnant and lactating women) and Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergency (IYCF-E), while protecting the

ICRC Guidance COVID-19 Nutrition Civilian population Read More »

ICRC Non-communicable diseases – Chronic diseases and COVID-19

Patients with chronic conditions are at higher risk of a severe COVID 19 infection. Therefore, within our health programmes, where we support patients with chronic conditions, strong prevention and supportive measures need to be implemented to reduce risk of infection and to avoid their decompensation due to lack of access to chronic medication. This document

ICRC Non-communicable diseases – Chronic diseases and COVID-19 Read More »

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