21 Jul 2020
Testing is a critical component of epidemic response, as it allows public health authorities to identify both individual cases and emerging hotspots of COVID-19, and to rapidly implement effective epidemic control measures such as isolation and treat...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
06 Apr 2016
Most traditional economic analysis, such as cost benefit analysis, is too complex to be used for community-based activities and interventions, especially when climate change considerations have to be incorporated. This guide bridges this gap by ...
Tags: Training material, Risk Assessment
21 Oct 2020
Depuis son engagement de prendre le rôle de chef de file du groupe sectoriel des « Abris et Etablissements humains », en cas de catastrophes naturelles, la Fédération Internationale de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge (FICR) s’est engagÃ...
Tags: Report, Training material, Shelter