Awareness material

Guidelines for the use of new media by public and private organisations before, during and after crises

This report provides guidelines for public and private organisations regarding the use of social media in crisis situations. The aim of these guidelines are to advance social media usage by both citizens and organisations during crises in order to improve crisis management activities and, to also enhance the safety and security of citizens. Within this document, a distinction

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Guidelines for the use of new media by the public in crisis situations: Tips and tricks for citizens

This report provides guidelines that citizens may help in the optimal use of social media during crisis situations. Tips and tricks are formulated for the different roles that citizens can take.   Tips and tricks for citizens: How to use new media during crisis situations?

Guidelines for the use of new media by the public in crisis situations: Tips and tricks for citizens Read More »

Water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies

Description: This chapter discusses the importance of improving water, sanitation, vector control and hygiene in emergency settings. Learning objectives ƒ To explain the relationship between the environment and water, sanitation and hygiene related diseases; ƒ To present standards and key indicators related water supply, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies; ƒ To provide basic information about control measures for

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Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety

Emergency procedures and public information regarding extreme cold weather compiled by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These guidelines have been developed for use in the United States, but may be relevant in other areas with similar climates. This resource includes preparing your home and vehicle, recognition

Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety Read More »

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