Awareness material

World Risk Poll 2024 Report: Resilience in a Changing World

This is the release of the second edition of the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll Resilience Index. This resource offers deep insights into the resilience and vulnerabilities of countries and communities globally, especially regarding climate change-related disasters and other shocks. The DARAJA service and partnership contributed to this report, which highlights crucial findings for […]

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Flyer on hygiene promotion during flood – Red Cross of Montenegro

Between 2018 and 2024, the Red Cross of Montenegro, as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, worked to increase flood resilience in vulnerable communities. One of the knowledge products produced as part of this program was a multi-page flyer titled ‘Maintaining health during and after floods’. This resource provides recommendations for good hygiene habits

Flyer on hygiene promotion during flood – Red Cross of Montenegro Read More »

Urgency of heatwave risk management

This issue of is titled the ‘Urgency of Heatwave Risk Management’. Heatwaves are not only here to stay but will accelerate in their frequency, severity, loss and damage, at all levels. Read 15 vibrant and realize perspectives to find your own way to manage heatwave risk, to avoid heatwave-caused deaths. As climate change intensifies,

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Preparedness Voices: Caroline Holt, IFRC Director Disaster, Climate and Crises Department

Interview featuring Caroline Holt, IFRC Director of Climate, Disaster and Crisis, as she discusses what constitutes a well-prepared Red Cross Red Crescent National Society and how we can advocate for more investments in preparedness. Watch the video below to hear her insights on these vital capacities needed across Red Cross Red Crescent Societies globally.

Preparedness Voices: Caroline Holt, IFRC Director Disaster, Climate and Crises Department Read More »

Plastic pollution and flood risk

The accumulation of mismanaged plastic waste is a serious issue globally. It has severe negative impacts on biodiversity and the environment, as well as on livelihoods and human health. As climate change makes rainfall events more intense and frequent, plastic pollution blocking drainage systems in poor urban areas (slums) poses a serious danger to communities

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Translating Warnings into Action – How we can Improve Early Warning Systems to Protect Communities

Early warnings for hazards are essential for living safely and minimizing economic losses.  For many hazards, it is possible to give advance notice and accurate information to help communities prepare and respond.  However, issuance of the warning itself is not enough for a warning system to be effective, as the effectiveness of warnings is determined

Translating Warnings into Action – How we can Improve Early Warning Systems to Protect Communities Read More »

Warning Briefing Note: Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems

For warning systems to be most comprehensive they need to be multi-hazard and operate across many stakeholders to integrate hazard and risk knowledge. This Warnings Briefing Note, supported by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center/IFRC and produced by UCL Warning Research Center, focuses on building warnings for multiple hazards. It covers state-of-the-art, key issues, examples, resources and recommendations to

Warning Briefing Note: Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems Read More »

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