Meausuring resilience in Beira and Buzi: collection of endline study results from Mozambique

With the aim of strengthening community resilience and reducing the impact of floods, the Mozambique Red Cross, together with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), formed part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (the Alliance). Between 2021 and 2024, the Mozambique Red Cross implemented the Flood Resilience Program targeting vulnerable communities in the city of Beira and the rural municipality of Buzi, in the Sofala Province.

The Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) is a framework and tool developed by the Alliance. As a decision support approach for both community programming and policy change, the FRMC supports a deeper and systems-level understanding of resilience gaps and strengths designed around the five capitals: natural, financial, human, social and physical.

FRMC studies were carried out in 6 communities in peri-urban and rural contexts in Mozambique. The process, including study design, data collection (through focus groups, interviews with key informants and review of secondary sources), grading and analysis was first implemented in March 2022 in order to form a baseline understanding of resilience gaps and opportunities. The endline studies were completed in June 2024, allowing the program to analyze how resilience changed in response to diverse interventions and to produce knowledge products to share up-to-date information to stakeholders to support ongoing resilience-building. Find below a number of resources (in Portuguese) that were shared with local leaders and community members:

Learn more about the Flood Resilience Program in Mozambique here.

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