Early Warning Systems

WhatNow Service one-pager

The Global Disaster Preparedness Center, in partnership with Google, has developed the WhatNow Message Portal to increase the speed and dissemination of disaster preparedness and risk reduction messages. Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies can adapt multi-hazard key action messages to their country context. Find more information on the one-pager, toolkit page, or activity page.

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Houston and Hurricane Harvey: a call to action

This study – written by ISET-International, in collaboration with Zurich Insurance Group, and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center looks in detail at the Houston floods that resulted from Hurricane Harvey.  Based on interviews with impacted households and businesses, and with people involved in risk reduction, response and recovery at the city, county and state level, the

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Flood Early Warning Systems in Nepal: A Gendered Perspective

The Hindu Kush Himalayan region is extremely vulnerable to various types of water-induced disasters, particularly floods and landslides. In Nepal, more than 300 people are killed annually on average as a result of floods and landslides. Inequalities in society are often amplified at the time of disasters, and poor people, especially women, the elderly, and

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Disaster Early Warning Systems in Nepal: Institutional and Operational Frameworks

Early warning systems (EWS) are recognized in both the Hyogo Framework for Disaster Reduction (2005-2015) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) as an important element of disaster risk reduction and hence to the achievement of sustainable development and sustainable livelihoods. An effective EWS enables the concerned authorities and at-risk communities to know

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WhatNow Service: Early Action Tool

WhatNow Service, developed by the Red Cross and Red Crescent’s Global Disaster Preparedness Center, in partnership with Google, is designed to increase the speed and dissemination of disaster preparedness and risk reduction messages. It is founded on IFRC’s Public Awareness and  Public Education (PAPE) key messages for disaster risk reduction, covering 20+ hazards. Red Cross/Red Crescent (RC/RC) National Societies

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