10 Jan 2019
The aim of this report is to raise the profile and provide a better understanding of the humanitarian shelter and settlements sector. This report is intended to be used by humanitarian policy makers, donors, governments, academics and senior managers...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness
25 Aug 2016
This report looks at International Rescue Committe’s (IRC) experiences in cash assistance and livelihoods programming in Lebanon and Jordan in the context of the Syrian regional response. It explores opportunities and challenges inherent to cas...
Tags: Report, Livelihoods and Food Security
08 Sep 2014
Affordable Housing Institute (AHI) published a report on Al Zaatari Refugee Camp in Mafraq Governate, Jordan. The camp has become the second largest refugee camp in the world and the fourth largest city in Jordan. Though considered to be a temp...
Tags: Report, Post-Disaster Recovery