
REPSSI: Psychosocial support for orphans and vulnerable children

Over 16 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents to HIV and AIDS. In addition to those affected by chronic illness and death, many other children are confronted by the challenges of poverty and conflict. These vulnerable children often face material hardship, social stigma and psychosocial trauma. We risk losing a generation of

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The IASC Guidelines / residual difficulties for people after emergencies

In the hours, days and weeks ahead you may come across instances where people are worried, anxious, frightened, or just uncertain about their experiences and futures. Some will have experienced damage to their property which means that they cannot live where they normally live. Others may have experienced injury – whether to themselves, or their

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No Longer Silent: Women from Northern Uganda Demand Livelihood and Psychosocial Support

From | This video is about the stories of women from the Greater North of Uganda and their call for the Government of Uganda to uphold its commitments under the Peace, Recovery and Development Plan for Northern Uganda and the Juba Peace Agreements. Upholding these commitments will help provide Ugandan woman affected by this conflict with

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Disasters and their impact upon mental well-being – Part 1

In the hours, days and weeks ahead you may come across instances where people are worried, anxious, frightened, or just uncertain about their experiences and futures. Some will have experienced damage to their property which means that they cannot live where they normally live. Others may have experienced injury – whether to themselves, or their

Disasters and their impact upon mental well-being – Part 1 Read More »

Rebuilding hope: Community-based psychosocial support

Community-based psychosocial support is an integral part of Red Cross Red Crescent work. This ten-minute long film, produced by the International Federation Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, explains why such support is so important, and gives some examples of how psychosocial support is provided in the Movement.  Over the past two decades, the need for

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Disasters and their impact upon mental well-being – Part 2

In the hours, days and weeks ahead you may come across instances where people are worried, anxious, frightened, or just uncertain about their experiences and futures. Some will have experienced damage to their property which means that they cannot live where they normally live. Others may have experienced injury – whether to themselves, or their

Disasters and their impact upon mental well-being – Part 2 Read More »

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