Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

UNHCR Mid Year Trends 2014

This report is the second of its kind, analyzing displacement trends within the first half of 2014. The figures in this report were collected from governments and UNHCR offices around the world. UNHCR introduced a new online data collection tool to enhance the organization’s capacity to collect and analyse mid-year statistical data. In addition to […]

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IFRC Framework for Community Resilience

This document presents a clear overview of the IFRC’s Framework for Community Resilience (FCR), which builds upon the original Framework for Community Safety and Resilience published in 2008. This framework has the objective to: ‘Establish a foundation on which all IFRC programmes, projects, interventions and actions, across the contexts, which contribute to the strengthening of resilient

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NSET Report 2014: Safer Society

The 2014 Report by National Society for Earthquake Technology -Nepal (NSET) presents an account of NSET’s endeavors and activities towards the enhancement of disaster resilience of communities in Nepal during the past year. The report includes NSET’s initiatives towards i) reducing earthquake risk and building resilience of communities, ii) assisting municipalities in building code implementation in

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Protecting Communities: Malaria Prevention – A Road to Resilience in Southeast Asia

The four-page comic is designed to inform and educate children and the youth about preventing malaria in the community, as the first part of the series of A Road to Resilience in Southeast Asia – Protecting Communities. This comic is produced by IFRC South-East Asian Regional Delegation. The comic is also available in Burmese (Myanmar), Khmer (Cambodia), Lao (Laos) and Vietnamese. Information and Education

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Proyecto Resiliencia en las Américas (RITA) – Nicaragua, ejecuta su acompañamiento en las comunidades Carreta Quebrada, Paso Real, El Madroño, La Campana y el Barrio Julio Buitrago.    Consideramos que cualquier comunidades puede estar preparada para cualquier situación de desastre, siempre que estén sensibilizadas, apoyen los procesos de fortalecimiento y esten dotadas de herramientas básicas.Nuestro

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My Resilience Story (Mi historia de resiliencia) Ecuador-Tungurahua

Ecuador.- Desde septiembre de 1999 la Provincia de Tungurahua experimentó un fenómeno natural como lo es el inicio de la Erupción del Volcán Tungurahua. Este proceso eruptivo hizo que los moradores que vivían en las faldas del volcán y sus cercanías tuvieran que ser evacuados para sobreguardar sus vidas por algunas ocasiones, abandonando cultivos, ganado

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