Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

My Resilience Story (Mi historia de resiliencia) Bellavista Tomé Chile

La señora María Zenteno dirigenta vecinal y coordinadora del equipo comunitario del sector Bellavista, Comuna de Tomé, región del Biobío Chile; nos cuenta como ha sido el desafio de ser una comunidad organizada y conciente de su entorno, donde a partir de capacitaciones comunitarias conocieron la importancia de estar preparados frente a cualquier emergencia y […]

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Comunidad Torres de Mesana, Valparaíso, Chile. En este video se ve a los niños de la comunidad de Torres de Mesana, en Valparaíso, Chile. Ellos son parte activa del equipo comunitario y de todas las actividades que se desarrollan en la comunidad. #MyResilienceStory

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Building Social Resilience: Protecting and empowering those most at risk

This paper was prepared as an input to the fourth Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR). The GAR reports biannually on global progress, trends, and challenges in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR). It also serves as an instrument to monitor and document progress made by signatory countries towards the implementation of

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EU resilience compendium: saving lives and livelihoods

The European Commission (DG ECHO – Humanitarian aid and civil protection) publication showcases examples of successful resilience projects, i.e. 27 examples of existing best practices from around the world.  The key aim of this publication is to foster learning and a better understanding of how resilience can lead to more effective humanitarian assistance and transformational

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Unlocking the “triple dividend” of resilience – Why investing in disaster risk management pays off

The risk of a disaster can cause economic losses even before a disaster strikes. Investing in disaster resilience, therefore, can yield a ‘triple dividend’ by (1) avoiding losses when disasters strike; (2) unlocking development potential by stimulating innovation and bolstering economic activity in a context of reduced disaster-related background risk for investment; and (3) through

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Leading Resilient Development: Grassroots Women’s Priorities, Practices and Innovations

“In the policy world, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and poverty reduction are each advancing within their own area. This publication shows how for grassroots women, building resilience to disaster and climate change is inextricably linked to advancing development priorities. It explores the links between disasters, development, poverty and gender-based inequality. This analysis is

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Gender Perspective: Working Together for Disaster Risk Reduction

This publication, facilitated by the UN/ISDR secretariat, serves as “an introduction to the importance of mainstreaming gender issues in risk and vulnerability reduction.” From its diverse collection of case studies, the report “showcases women’s valuable contributions to community resilience” while highlighting good practices and lessons learned in awareness-raising and capacity-building. Ultimately, this publication aims to

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Women’s Leadership in Risk-Resilient Development

This publication aims to shed some light on women’s capabilities to take leading roles in building disaster resilience. It features women as drivers of change in different socio-economic contexts, and under various gender conditions. While the examples portrayed in the publication present a broad range of approaches to women-led disaster risk reduction across humanitarian, environmental

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