Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

These Are the Faces of Resilience

What is Resilience? It’s the ability of individuals, communities, or countries exposed to disasters to anticipate, reduce the impact of, cope with, and recover from the effects of adversity.  Our resilience initiatives reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen the ability of communities to keep healthy, connected, and organized. We work alongside communities all over the world to […]

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Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: 2015-2030

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: 2015-2030 was adopted on March 18 at the 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.   The United Nations General Assembly Resolution adopted in 2013 (68/211) on International Strategy for Disaster Reduction stated that the World Conference would result in a concise, focused, forward-looking, and action-oriented outcome

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The One Billion Coalition – Discussion Paper on Levels of Resilience

This document presents IFRC’s initial ideas about how resilience varies between countries. The purpose this is to enable the identification of data gaps required to understand the current levels of household and community resilience. This preliminary mapping uses publically available data and builds on the work of other institutions such as the Group URD, the

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UNISDR Annual Report 2014

This 2014 annual report is a mid-term report on the UNISDR 2014-2015 Biennium Work Programme. 2014 was a year in which much time was spent defining the future of disaster risk management. There were major gatherings around the world to weigh up the experience of the last ten years of implementing the Hyogo Framework for

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Disaster Risk Reduction Private Sector Partnership: post 2015 framework-private sector blueprint five private sector visions for a resilient future

There is a clear mutual interest for the public and private sectors to work together, as the private sector relies on the resilience of public infrastructure and services to conduct their businesses, and governments and communities depend on resilient business practices for a stable and sustainable economy. This Position Paper describes the Five Private Sector

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Case study 9 – “Practice-based learning” to create resilient communities in Nicaragua

The advance of the agricultural frontier and inadequate agricultural practices have contributed to environmental degradation in the sub-watersheds of the Tapacalí and Inalí rivers in the department de Madriz, Nicaragua. Meanwhile, a lack of knowledge and environmental awareness increases the communities’ vulnerability to socio-natural threats. Addressing that vulnerability through an innovative approach that integrates disaster risk

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