Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

Case study 7 – Good Governance: A pathway to local resilience

Since 2011, the Partners for Resilience (PfR) alliance in Nicaragua has been promoting a comprehensive approach to the issues of disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and ecosystem management and restoration (EMR). This initiative has also promoted an environment that is conducive to dialogue on PfR’s approaches among the local population and authorities.

Case study 7 – Good Governance: A pathway to local resilience Read More »

Case study 4 – Harmonizing indigenous and local knowledge: “The path towards community and institutional resilience”

“We, the indigenous peoples, do not reject adapting to climate change because we have always, as a people–consulted Nature. We read its signs and foresee; we understand; we harmonize with it which is how we have always lived and survived through the ages, because we are blessed by our actions.” Pablo Ramón Vanegas, member of

Case study 4 – Harmonizing indigenous and local knowledge: “The path towards community and institutional resilience” Read More »

Case study 5 – Strengthening Value Chain Committee’s capacities in the municipality of Somoto: Partners for Resilience’s experience in Nicaragua

For centuries, the ovens in Somoto, in the department of Madriz, Nicaragua, have been baking the distinctive handmade rosquillas (ring-shaped pastry), prepared by hardworking women. These women still preserve the artisan traditions in their 137 shops where they continue preparing the delicious Somoteñan rosquillas, which many consider unique in the world, to such an extent

Case study 5 – Strengthening Value Chain Committee’s capacities in the municipality of Somoto: Partners for Resilience’s experience in Nicaragua Read More »

Case study 3 – Community micro-projects improve the livelihoods of rural families in Madriz, Nicaragua

The Partners for Resilience (PfR) put their integrated approach and vision of community resilience into practice to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Nicaragua. In the municipalities of San Lucas and Las Sabanas, their micro-projects consist of specific interventions and management actions, which combine Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) with Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and

Case study 3 – Community micro-projects improve the livelihoods of rural families in Madriz, Nicaragua Read More »

Video Story Contest #MyResilienceStory

The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) piloted the #MyResilienceStory video contest from March 3rd to April 12th of 2015 to raise awareness on how local efforts and actions are contributing to community resilience. Through this initiative, the GDPC highlighted disaster preparedness efforts and best practices of disaster risk management around the world by showing how volunteers and disaster practitioners are

Video Story Contest #MyResilienceStory Read More »

A Vision for the Humanitarian Use of Emerging Technology for Emerging Needs

This 36-page report reviews the global dialogue series organized by the American Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, defines the Eight Criteria for Resilience-Strengthening Solutions, announces plans to test four experimental technologies with partners this year, and makes five key recommendations based on community-level requests and our humanitarian expertise.

A Vision for the Humanitarian Use of Emerging Technology for Emerging Needs Read More »

Gender perspectives in disaster recovery

The following story was written by Lena Kang, Knowledge Management Intern, GDPC, based off an interview with Anjana Dayal de Prewitt, Senior Advisor, Community Mobilization at the American Red Cross. Women and resilience Bringing in high-level knowledge, technological know-how, and years of experience into long-term development initiatives, conflict zones, and disaster recovery is risky and

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