Risk Assessment

Promoting Disaster Resilient Cultural Heritage

 Cultural heritage is vulnerable to the adverse impacts of natural disasters, and climate change is adding to the urgency of addressing this challenge. Countries around the world are employing a variety of measures to safeguard cultural heritage against disaster risks, drawing on relevant conventions, policy frameworks, and guidance. To protect lives, livelihoods, and cultural heritage, […]

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Resilient: Zero carbon, risk-informed, sustainable

UNDP’s work in climate change, disaster risk reduction and energy (2015-2017) This report is comprised of 15 country case studies providing examples of climate action, disaster risk reduction and recovery, and sustainable energy. Each case emphasizes the integrated approach to these work streams and similarly, the linkages and benefits that each extends to the others. 

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Community Based DRR Household Survey Guide 2013

This guide has been developed to help national Red Cross Societies implement baseline and final assessments for community based disaster risk reductions projects. It includes instructions for how to prepare and conduct hosehold surveys as well as standardized questionnaires and reporting forms that will be used by countries participating in risk reduction projects.  Monitoring Guide

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City-wide Risk Assessment: Do-It-Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience

LAS TRADUCCIONES AL ESPAÑOL DE LOS JUEGOS DE HERRAMIENTAS ESTÁN AQUÍ   Description: This toolkit is developed by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center with funding support from USAID presenting an approach for assessing city-wide community resilience that will allow you to: Identify community resilience priorities and needs that require city-level attention and intervention; Determine whether

City-wide Risk Assessment: Do-It-Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience Read More »

Adapting to an Urban World Phase II (2017) Assessment Design in Urban Areas – Expert Consultations

Managing urban areas is one of the major development challenges of the 21st century. While the increasing attention to the urban food insecure is evident, effective information gathering guiding humanitarian response and targeting remain a challenge to meet food security and other basic needs. In order to assess vulnerability to food insecurity in urban settings,

Adapting to an Urban World Phase II (2017) Assessment Design in Urban Areas – Expert Consultations Read More »

Disaster risk reduction achievements 2016: good practices, tools and initiatives

This publication features 50 good practices, tools and initiatives that were supported under the 2015-2016 DIPECHO Action Plan. These contribute to the implementation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) Strategy 2014-2024 and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. All initiatives in the publication are associated to one of the following four thematic focus areas: Early Warning

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Global Risk Report 2017

Global Risk Report 2017 is published by the World Economic Forum. For over a decade, The Global Risks Report has focused attention on the evolution of global risks and the deep interconnections between them. The Report has also highlighted the potential of persistent, long-term trends such asinequality and deepening social and political polarization to exacerbate risks associated with, for example, the weakness of the

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