Early Warning Systems

CAP-Enabled Alerting

This document is intended to provide advice concerning policy and technical matters pertinent to implementing a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)‑enabled Alerting System. The advice is contributed by individuals in the role of invited experts, as listed in the Acknowledgements section. The target audience is the set of implementors who are likely to have a role

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CAP Mexico Notes

This document is intended to provide advice concerning policy and technical matters pertinent to instituting a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)‑enabled National Alert System in Mexico. The advice is contributed by individuals in the role of invited experts, as listed in the Acknowledgements section. The target audience is the set of officials in the government of

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Messaging Campaigns: A Companion to Changing Behaviour

Public campaigns that aim to mobilise people to take action are a powerful tool used by the Red Cross Red Crescent and a variety of other social organizations in their efforts to prevent and alleviate human suffering. Campaigns are employed towards diverse objectives: from community resilience, health, disaster recovery, to social inclusion and beyond. This set of publications offers guidance

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CAP Workshop 2016 Call for Participation

CAP Implementation Workshops provide a forum for implementors of CAP and associated organizations to discuss how best to expand adoption of the CAP standard. There is no charge to participate and anyone interested in emergency alerting is welcome: managers, technical staff, media, etc., including commercial organizations, governments, and non-governmental organizations.If you have CAP implementation experiences

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Climate Information and Early Warning Systems Communications Toolkit

This toolkit provides national hydrometeorological services, policy makers, and media and communications for development practitioners with the tools, resources and templates necessary to design and implement an integrated communications strategy. It defines goals for the issuance of early warnings, and creation of improved climate information products and supportive communications strategies. These supportive strategies serve to

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