Urban Preparedness

Risk and Opportunity, Managing Risk for Development

The World Disaster Report (WDR 2014) argues that risk management can be a powerful instrument for development—not only by building people’s resilience and thus reducing the effects of adverse events but also by allowing them to take advantage of opportunities for improvement. The World Bank WDR 14 http://econ.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTRESEARCH/EXTWDRS/EXTNWDR2013/0,,contentMDK:23330018~pagePK:8258258~piPK:8258412~theSitePK:8258025,00.html

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Humanitarian Exchange Magazine: Lessons learned from the Haiti Earthquake Response

Special feature of the Humanitarian Exchange focusing on the response to the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Although much of the early media coverage emphasised the tardiness and inefficiency of the humanitarian response, subsequent reviews have recognised the complex operating environment and the extensive challenges involved. That does not, however, mean that mistakes were not made. 

Humanitarian Exchange Magazine: Lessons learned from the Haiti Earthquake Response Read More »

Urban Risk Dialogues

With support from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) has been working with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to host a series of regional workshops to share learning and insights on building disaster preparedness and resilience in urban settings in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The

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Gestion del Riesgo en Contextos Urbanos: Avances en las Americas en Materia del abordaje del Riesgo en contextos urbanos

La Gestión del riesgo y la experiencia urbana de las Sociedades Nacionales tiene sus inicios en el 2004 año en el cual las SN inician la implementacion de diagnosticos comunitarios en comunidades semi- urbanas- urbanas. El Desarrollo de Estudios & Revisiones de documentos para utilizarlos en los contextos urbanos inicia en el 2008 en las

Gestion del Riesgo en Contextos Urbanos: Avances en las Americas en Materia del abordaje del Riesgo en contextos urbanos Read More »

Haiti Recovery Operation Summary of the Plan of Action – July 2011 – December 2012

Revised Plan of Action Summary that clearly articulates IFRC secretariat actions moving forward as of July 2011. It continues to use a ‘pillar’ approach but the structure has been simplified to minimize overlap and duplication found in the three-pillar configuration of the 2010 Plan of Action. It also reflects a minimized role for IFRC in HRC core services

Haiti Recovery Operation Summary of the Plan of Action – July 2011 – December 2012 Read More »

Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012)

This 2012 ALNAP paper on urban lessons was written by David Sanderson, Paul Knox-Clarke and Leah Campbell and builds off a prior 2009 study written by Ian O’Donnell, Kristin Smart and Ben Ramalingam. It offers lessons pertaining to effective design and implementation of urban-response programs. It was written to serve as a practical field resource for international disaster management professionals,

Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012) Read More »

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