
Towards a Risk Informed COVID-19 approach

This document is technical guidance for Red Cross Red Crescent colleagues who are interested in applying a risk-informed approach vis-a-vis the COVID19 pandemic, using some of the insights and perspectives that are applicable in the disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation fields. The document advocates for a stronger multi-sectoral and multi-risk approach when pro-actively dealing

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Minimum standards for protection, gender and inclusion in emergencies

The IFRC’s Minimum standards for protection, gender, and inclusion (PGI) in emergencies is now in its second edition. This edition is the result of three years of testing, revision and feedback from protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) and sectoral specialists, based on use in the field by Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers

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IFRC Messages for Governments – Coordinating the protection of children during the COVID-19 response

COVID-19 is a public health emergency with multiple direct and indirect impacts on children’s protection, well-being, and development, both in the short- and longterm. For example, the closure of schools, confinement, and reductions in food security and household income pose life-threatening risks for children, including exposure to violence, exploitation, abuse, family separation and harmful family

IFRC Messages for Governments – Coordinating the protection of children during the COVID-19 response Read More »

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