Community Engagement and Accountability

Community Engagement and Accountability includes risk communication, behavior change, according to IFRC guidelines.

Coalition Building for Urban Community Resilience

LAS TRADUCCIONES AL ESPAÑOL DE LOS JUEGOS DE HERRAMIENTAS ESTÁN AQUÍ Description: Communities worldwide have greater opportunities for growth and connectedness than ever before; yet the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is rapidly increasing, especially in coastal cities, leading to increased risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in […]

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Do-It-Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience

  Communities worldwide have greater opportunities for growth and connectedness than ever before; yet the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is rapidly increasing, especially in coastal cities, leading to increased risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of change and have significant resources, skills,

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Taking large-scale action to raise disaster risk awareness in Albania

On the latest International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Albanian Red Cross partnered with the National Agency for Civil Protection, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, and the Ministry of Education and visited schools, city centres, and town halls across the country to raise awareness about hazards like floods and build a culture

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Global Disaster Preparedness Center

2018-2020 GDPC Report Launched

The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) continues to empower disaster risk reduction (DRR ) practitioners around the world through innovation and learning in disaster preparedness. The 2018 – 2020 Overview Report, in a new interactive format, provides a full overview of key initiatives and achievements. Highlights include:  The rapid and effective response to COVID-19, launching and

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Honduras Informe Nacional

Honduras se encuentra entre los primeros cinco países más vulnerables del planeta, según el índice de Riesgo Climático (IRC) que elabora cada año Germanwatch. Los efectos de los desastres impactan negativamente el desarrollo e incrementan la pobreza. En las dos últimas décadas, los desastres han ocasionado pérdidas y daños al país equivalentes a 5592 millones

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Costa Rica Informe Nacional

En Costa Rica las condiciones de vulnerabilidad, como el incremento de población sin planificación, la mala distribución y uso del suelo, y el terreno montañoso y con pendientes pronunciadas, han provocado desequilibrios ecológicos de gran magnitud, en donde una de las consecuencias son las inundaciones devastadoras con desbordamientos súbitos. Los ríos La Estrella, Limoncito, Banano,

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Costa Rica Country Briefing

In Costa Rica, drivers of vulnerability such as unplanned population growth, poor distribution and use of land, and the mountainous and steeply sloping terrain have led to great ecological imbalances. One of the consequences is devastating flooding with sudden overflows. The La Estrella, Limoncito, Banano, Reventazón, Matina, and Pacuare rivers, in the Limón province, and

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