
How to wash your hands

Washing your hands and encouraging everyone around you to do the same can help stop the spread of germs and keep you healthy. When you wash your hands, you wash away germs.  If you don’t wash your hands, germs can get into your body and make you sick. When you should wash your hands Before you […]

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Maintaining Essential Services – Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following resources about maintaining essential services: OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE WHO Operational guidance for maintaining essential health services EDUCATION Key Messages and Actions for COVID-19 Prevention and control in schools FIRST AID First Aid COVID-19 Games for Children Children’s Poster: Preventing COVID-19. Languages: EN, SP, FR, AR. How to Wear a Mask Posters. Languages: EN,

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Mental Health and Psychosocial Support – Health Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following guidance about Mental Health and Psychosocial Support: Psychosocial Centre IFRC – COVID-19 Resources Psychosocial Centre IFRC – COVID-19 Webinars / Videos Introduction to Psychological First Aid (PFA) in Epidemics IASC Addressing Mental Health and Psychosocial Aspects of COVID-19 IFRC- Remote Psychological First Aid during COVID-19 Psychological coping during disease outbreak – elderly

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Clinical and Prehospital Health Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following resources about Clinical and Prehospital: CLINICAL RESPONSE IFRC – Health Care Workers Providing Care to the severe of critically ill person with COVID19 WHO Clinical Management of COVID-19 [Jan 2021]   INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies for COVID-19 IFRC guidance on the generalised use of cloth face masks during

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Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) – Health Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following resources about WASH: ICRC- Recommended PPE for WASH activities COVID-19 ICRC- Guidance to Water and Habitat Staff on COVID-19  IFRC Watsan Mission Assistant – COVID-19 for WASH practitioners Syrian Arab Red Crescent COVID-19 posters: awareness, handwashing, general measures, outdoor measures. WHO – Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19 Wash’em Handwashing with

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Public Health Response – Health Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following resources about Public Health Response: EPIDEMIC CONTROL FOR VOLUNTEERS (ECV) Spitting etiquette – Epidemic Control for Volunteers. Languages: EN, SP, FR Sneezing etiquette – Epidemic Control for Volunteers. Languages: EN, SP, FR Guide for National Society teams_Rapid training for community response to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak RCRC Prevention and key messages and

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General information and response options – Health Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following resources about General Information and Response Options: RISK, EVIDENCE, AND MODELLING Weekly & Bi-Weekly Updates – Evidence and Assessments  ACAPS Scenarios for COVID-19 Institute of Development Studies_ Secondary impacts of major disease outbreaks Evidence on COVID-19 transmission Languages:  EN, FR, AR, SP, STRATEGIC GUIDANCE  Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic Response: Quick Reference Guidance for

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Red Cross Red Crescent Health Actions to Respond to COVID-19 – 2021 update

National Societies’ and volunteers’ roles will change through the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic in their respective countries/communities, based on which public health, clinical and health systems activities are likely to be most impactful. National Societies must work with their public authorities so that both government and NS understand their respective mandates and the roles

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