
Strengthening livelihood capacities to disaster risk reduction in Nepal

This book documents the lessons learned during the Livelihood Centred Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction project in the Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts of Nepal. It describes the prevailing physical, institutional and socio-economic context, and details the activities and its interventions. The book is a compilation of initiatives and their evaluated outcomes on improved and diversified livelihood […]

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Rising to the Challenge

Communities in the Pacific region face a number of new challenges during an era of unprecedented social change. Major towns are growing rapidly as people leave rural areas in search of opportunities. There is an increase in informal settlements, where basic services such as water and sanitation are poor, and tension can arise over land

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The Value of Volunteering

This survey and report, entitled: The value of volunteering, provides credible evidence of the economic value of volunteers within the Red Cross and Red Crescent. It also provides insights into the social value that our volunteers deliver to their local communities and to the development agenda worldwide. The social value generated by the Red Cross

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Dar importancia al voluntariado

El presente informe es el resultado del esfuerzo colectivo del grupo de trabajo de la Junta de Gobierno sobre el voluntariado y la Secretaría de la Federación Internacional, y tiene por objeto ofrecer una visión global del desarrollo del voluntariado desde 1999. Presenta una reseña general de las decisiones y compromisos adoptados en el seno

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أخذ المتطوعين بجدية

هذا التقرير هو جهد مشترك بين فريق عمل مجلس الأدارة المعني بالتطوع و أمانة الإتحاد، يرمي إلي تقديم صورة عن التطوع من عام 1999 و يقدم التقرير ملخصا للخطوط العريضة لصنع القرارات و الإلتزامات داخل الإتحاد الدولي و يصف الأحوال في الجمعيات الوطنية. و يتضمن التقرير أيضا دراسة الاتجاهات الخارجية والقضايا الرئيسية التي تؤثر على

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Taking Volunteers Seriously

This report is the result of a collective effort by the Governing Board’s working group on volunteering and the International Federation secretariat, which aims to provide a picture of volunteering development since 1999. It provides a broad outline of decision-making and commitments within the International Federation and describes the situation in National Societies. External trends

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Towards Safer School Construction – A community-based approach

This publication synthesizes the lessons from past community-based school construction programs and projects around the globe. It provides guidance for engaging communities in mobilisation, planning, design, construction and post-construction maintenance of safer schools. The approach seeks to achieve the twin goals of safer schools and more resilient communities. It treats school construction as a community

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Humanitarian response to urban crises – a review of area-based approaches

The aim of this paper is to provide a review of current literature as a foundation for informing practice and policy of humanitarian actors. Given the emerging nature of this topic, there is also a focus on identifying gaps in documentation and sector knowledge for further research. The research questions this paper seeks to address

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