Disaster Law

Présentation des Lignes directrices relatives à la facilitation et à la réglementation nationales des opérations internationales de secours et d’assistance au relèvement initial en cas de catastrophe

En novembre 2007, la XXXe Conférence internationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge a adopté à l’unanimité un ensemble de recommandations visant à aider les gouvernements à élaborer leurs réglementations en matière d’opérations internationales de secours en cas de catastrophe : les Lignes directrices relatives à la facilitation et à la réglementation nationales des opérations internationales de secours et […]

Présentation des Lignes directrices relatives à la facilitation et à la réglementation nationales des opérations internationales de secours et d’assistance au relèvement initial en cas de catastrophe Read More »

CROISSANT ROUGE MAROCAIN : Equipe Nationale d’Intervention aux Catastrophes (ENIC)

Le Croissant Rouge Marocain(CRM) a toujours été très actif dans le domaine de gestion des catastrophes notamment avec l’intervention de son équipe nationale de réponse aux catastrophes dont les prouesses ne sont plus à démontrer Cette étude de cas a été sollicitée par le Bureau Régional de la Fédération de l’Afrique du Nord et du

CROISSANT ROUGE MAROCAIN : Equipe Nationale d’Intervention aux Catastrophes (ENIC) Read More »

Egyptian Red Crescent : National Disaster Response (NDRT) Mechanism

Demonstrations and civil violence which has plagued Egypt since 2011 required the development of First Aid Emergency Action Teams (EAT). This initiative whilst highly successful and ongoing has been some argue at the expense of the NDRT development.  The challenge now is for ERC to also create a national response mechanism which is holistic, sustainable and well-resourced. Consideration

Egyptian Red Crescent : National Disaster Response (NDRT) Mechanism Read More »

Parliamentarians Fact Sheet

A fact sheet providing a short overview of parliamentarians’ key role in contributing to and guiding the accountability of each national government to prevent and reduce disaster risk. In addition, the fact sheet provides information about how the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is working with parliamentarians to advance Sendai Framework for Disaster

Parliamentarians Fact Sheet Read More »

Study on legal preparedness for international assistance in the event of disasters: towards the implementation of the “IDRL” Guidelines in Dominican Republic

This report analyses the institutional and legal framework of the Dominican Republic with regard to the international assistance in the event of disasters. It summarizes the findings and recommendations of a “Technical assistance project for the facilitation and regulation of international humanitarian assistance in Dominican Republic” which was aimed at analysing the existing regulation on

Study on legal preparedness for international assistance in the event of disasters: towards the implementation of the “IDRL” Guidelines in Dominican Republic Read More »

Viet Nam Case Study Report: How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction

Viet Nam is prone to many different types of natural hazards. They are mainly hydro-meteorological, such as recurring floods and storms, but also include low to moderate risks of droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, forest fires, cold and heat waves, and animal disease epidemics. Apart from their devastating impact on human lives and health, these disasters can

Viet Nam Case Study Report: How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction Read More »

Analysis of legislation related to disaster risk reduction in Nepal

The geology, topography and tropical location of Nepal means that the country is faced with frequent natural hazards or risks that can lead to disasters causing displacement, loss of life, property and livelihoods. These include the annual monsoonal rains, frequent forest fires and a level of seismic activity that could lead to a major earthquake

Analysis of legislation related to disaster risk reduction in Nepal Read More »

International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) in Nepal: A study on strengthening legal preparedness for international disaster response

This report reviews Nepal’s legal and policy framework for disaster response with a focus on large-scale emergencies that exceed national coping capacities. It analyses Nepal’s legal preparedness for disasters by assessing its legal framework against key international standards. The study aims to: Identify gaps and areas of good practice in addressing legal issues and implementing the key regional and

International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) in Nepal: A study on strengthening legal preparedness for international disaster response Read More »

Disaster risk governance: Unlocking progress and reducing risk

The call and the analysis presented here responds to an identified need for more comparative studies on how governance systems and development situations have shaped progress on disaster risk management (DRM). This paper reviews a selected number of different governance systems in terms of their institutional structures (centralized and decentralized); distribution of power and decision-making

Disaster risk governance: Unlocking progress and reducing risk Read More »

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